Copyright 2013. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, ELCA. 

All Rights Reserved.

​​​​St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Durham, North Carolina

1200 West Cornwallis Road
Durham, NC 27705-5731

"Let us begin by acknowledging the land upon which we gather today. This land has been playground and campground for many generations of people, including the Lumbee, Skaruhreh/Tuscarora, Cheraw, Catawba, Occaneechi, and Shakori Nations. Its waterways were their highways, its flora and fauna their banquet table, its starry skies their canvas upon which their stories were painted. They cared for this land, and we remember their lives here with gratitude. We give thanks for all Indigenous peoples who continue to care for this land and to call it their home."

                         -- Vicar Amanda Spangler


Welcome to St. Paul's!

   ​​​​​​​​St. Paul's In-Person Worship Guidelines

• Here is a listing of the Sign-Up Genius links we are presently using to accomplish our many needed tasks. Please fill in as you are able. You can bookmark these sites to make it easier to return to them.

WORSHIP:  In-Person, Live Streamed, Recorded 

In celebrating the beauty and strength created through diversity, we welcome, value, and include all of God's children regardless of race, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, ability, appearance, or citizenship. St. Paul's is committed to racial equity.

  ​"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ."      

1 Corinthians 12:12

If you are not attending in person and would like to make a contribution online, you can make a recurring contribution in the "giving" tab on this website or use the QR code to the left to get you there directly.

We  have a live link to our Sunday morning Worship Service which begins at 11:00 AM. 

Click HERE and you will be taken to the live feed on our Vimeo Link. 

VIDEOS at  St. Paul's Lutheran Church -- This link will take you to our VIMEO page and you may select any Sunday or special worship service, as well as an assortment of other videos related to St. Paul's, anytime. 


We are worshiping at 8:30 and 11:00 am using Setting One in the ELW for both services.  The 8:30 worship will continue to be in-person only, the 11:00 am service will be in-person, live-streamed, and recorded.

​​​Lenten Mid-Week

Wednesday Evening Suppers before Lenten Worship

Make life easier and enjoy some fellowship by coming to the Wednesday Evening Lenten Suppers each week beginning March 12 at 6:00 pm before St. Paul's Lenten Worship Services at 7:00 pm. Each week will vary in menu.

Lenten services will be live steamed at:

Holden Evening Prayers is the service for Wednesday evenings. The worship bulletin can be downloaded here:  D-9170A_Holden_Evening_Prayer_-_Assembly_edition__Download_Edition (1).pdf

Stations of the Cross

Lent begins the first week of March and Stations of the Cross will again be offered on Fridays at 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary. I hope that long-time members are looking forward to seeing St. Paul's beautiful collection of the Stations artwork as they will be back up on the side walls of the Sanctuary for the Lenten season. For those who are new, the Stations follow Jesus from Gethsemane to the tomb with visual depictions of his journey. On Fridays, you can join me to follow Jesus on this path with scripture and prayers that tell the Holy Week story. Following Jesus on this path offers pause for us to contemplate our own lives, in our time and place. Please join me on any of these Fridays at noon during Lent: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4 and 11. -- Pastor Lorrel

Adult Sunday School

Starting January 5, we will have a 7 week long session on Creation Care and God's written Word. We hope you can come join us during the sessions (9:45-10:45 am) in Trinity Hall for these thought and action producing sessions. 

Mar 23 -- Special Congregational Meeting -- to receive the annual report and elect voting members to the Synod assembly. The meeting will take place during the Sunday school hour in Trinity Hall. 

Mar 30 -- Faith Sexism, and Justice: Creation is diverse, as is the body of Christ -- led by Lorrel Strom-Jensen

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Pastor Scott is back at the helm of Thursday morning bible study with the Gospel of John. We meet Thursday mornings at 10:30 in the conference room and via Zoom. Notes and Zoom link are emailed early in the week. All are welcome to join!

Wednesday Supper, March 26 - for Sloppy Joes

Remember to come to Lenten Supper before worship (at 7 pm). On Wed, Mar 26 at 6 pm.  We will be having Sloppy Joes with potatoes, salad, fruit and dessert. Be sure to join in the fellowship! 

Vacation Bible School Interest Meeting -- Sunday, March 30th at 9:45-10:15 am

Please join us for an overview of Vacation Bible School and how you can get involved! VBS will take place July 14-18 and we'll need lots of help to make it a success. Questions? Contact Preschool Director, Candace King at

CROP Hunger Walk
We are weeks away from this year's CROP Hunger Walk, where we will gather together with others in our community to fight hunger both here and around the world. This  year the Durham CROP Hunger Walk will take place on Sunday, March 23 starting at the Duke University Chapel. St. Paul's has always been a strong supporter of the CROP Hunger Walk, and our goal this year is to raise $3,500. If you would like to sign-up to walk, donate to our team, or both please either go to our team page or talk to our team captains Megan Cunningham or Tracey DIssel at our table in the atrium between services, where information is also available.

UMD Volunteer Update 

Amanda Anderson

Volunteers are needed for shift at Urban Ministries Community Cafe. We are at the original time frame, 11:30-1:30 pm. We'll help with meal prep before serving lunch just as we did previously, only four volunteers are needed. Volunteers MUST sign up online to participate. Sign up here: https;//  As always, please reach out to Amanda with questions about of volunteering.

​​Dropped Stitch meetings gather at 1:00 pm on the fourth Fridays, in the church atrium sofa area. 

The Tongue and Thimble group creates small quilts which are distributed to nurseries at local hospitals for their young critical patients. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month from 10:00am - 12:00pm downstairs in the Fiber Arts/Music room off Genesis Hall.

​​Growing thru Grief is continuing to offer grief support to those grieving the loss of a loved one. Here is our upcoming schedule.

Mar 25 -- "Getting the Support WE Need," with Betsy Barton. Many people offer us advice, their experiences, herbal remedies -- you name it. But how do we focus on ourselves and get the support that will work for us?

Apr 1 -- "Who Am I Now?" with Betsy Barton. Stones transform after time in a rock tumbler -- and so do we, as we go through the upending process of getting the rug swept out from under feet after a loss. We'll talk today about being open to new discoveries.

We meet at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, from 4 to 6 pm. All are welcome.​​

​​​Hiking Group

Vicar Ashley has started a hiking/walking group to get together every other Saturday for easy hikes of 2-3 miles. Here is the schedule of upcoming hikes:

Saturday, March 22 -- Duke Forest (Al Buehler trail system), 3301 Cameron Blvd., Durham

Saturday, April 5 - Johnston Mill nature preserve, 2713 Mt. Sinai Rd, Chapel Hill

Saturday, April 19 - Eno River State Park - Laurel Bluffs trail, 470 Pleasant Green Rd, Durham

For each hike we will plan to meet at church to carpool or caravan to each location. We will depart church at 9:30 AM. If you would rather meet us at a hiking location, please let Vicar Ashley know.

​​St. Paul's Readers Meeting on Thursday, April 10 at 3 pm

Please join us in the Conference Room on Thursday, Apr 10 at 3 pm as we discuss our latest selection:  Phil Strom-Jensen  leads our discussion of Time Heals No Wounds: A Baltic Sea Crime Novel by Hendrik Falkenberg, 2013. (Note date change due to Holy Week.) This international police procedural mystery follows freshly trained detective Johannes "Hannes" Niehaus and his veteran partner Fritz Janssen as they investigate a woman's murder linked to dangerous, decades-old cover-ups from the Third Reich. As the death count rises, will Hannes be able to catch the murderer before another innocent life gets caught in the killer's dark plan? We warmly welcome all readers to join our informal and friendly book club. Whether you've read the book or not, come and check us out! For questions, please contact Katherine Trexler.

​​Creation Care Yard Sale Lalapalooza 

May 3, 2025 (rain date May 10), 9:00 am- 1:00 pm

In honor of Earth Day, preserving resources, recycling and community connection, there will be a community yard sale in our church parking lot. Each seller will maintain their own table and be responsible for their own selling of their items. A $20.00 deposit will reserve the selling space and that deposit will be returned when the area is cleaned up and the sale ends. Further information to come or contact Marcia Redman.

Join a musical ensemble at St. Paul's!

Want to learn more about music? Or perhaps you simply want to keep up your musical knowledge and abilities. You should join a musical ensemble at St. Paul's! It's a great way to achieve all of these things and be part of a comunity. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, handbells from 6:30-7:15 and choir from 7:15-8:30. Ensembles normally perform at the 11:00 am service but occasionally at the 8:30 service. Some ability to read sheet music is required for handbells. Ability to read music is also a plus for choir, but not required. If interested, contact Susan Beschorner, director of music at

Help Stock the St. Paul’s Shelf at Parktown Food Hub!
Keep it coming! THANKS to your generosity the “St. Paul’s Dry Boxed Pasta Shelf” stays stocked and ready to help hungry families. Please continue to add dry pasta to your shopping list to share with the St. Paul’s shelf. The Women’s Connection Group is leading this initiative to support the Parktown Food Hub.

This week at

St. Paul's

Worship with us in person on Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am. On Sundays, we are using Setting One of the ELW. The 8:30 service will be in-person only, the 11:00 am will be in-person, live-streamed (information below) and recorded for our Vimeo channel.

St. Paul's Mission Statement:  "The mission of St. Paul's Lutheran Church as a part of the family of God is to share God in Christ with the world by equipping one another through worship, learning, witness, service, and support."

An ELCA ​Congregation!