The first Lutheran congregation in Durham, St. Paul’s was organized in 1922 by the Lutheran Synod of North Carolina as a Mission congregation. We began with twelve charter members and built our first church in 1929. By 1943 we were self-supporting. The first worship service was conducted in the present sanctuary on October 6, 1968. We are a part of the NC Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Our Christian experience together is enriched by the diversity of our members who come from many different geographical, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. We have always fully supported our Synod’s benevolence budget and have maintained an active social ministry program within our parish and throughout the community and the church at large.
Additionally, with strong lay leadership, we have developed an active program of worship, music, Christian education, and fellowship. Our worship services are a celebration of God’s Grace in both Word and Sacrament. We hear and are sustained by the Word as we are made members of the Church in Baptism and nourished at the Lord’s Table.
We are governed by a Congregational Council elected by the congregation.
Visitors and new members are encouraged to participate in all our activities.