1200 West Cornwallis Road
Durham, NC 27705-5731

Growing Thru Grief

Prayer Shawl Ministry (Dropped Stitch Group)

Parktown Food Hub

A program of the Grief Coalition of area organizations and Christian churches to offer support and education to those who mourn. The group meets weekly on Tuesdays at St. Paul's and is open to all.  To hear a bit more about Growing thru Grief, use this link.

St. Paul's Stephen Ministers are trained laypeople who offer distinctively Christian, one-on-one care, support, and friendship to those experiencing life difficulties, both within our congregation and the community. These difficulties may arise from the death of a loved one; a personal or family illness; depression; aging; financial hardship; loss of a job; miscarriage; and birth of a child to name a few.

Your Stephen Minister will walk with you through this difficulty, prayerfully offering a listening ear and Christian friendship. Stephen Ministry is confidential; those receiving care can be sure their identity and conversations will remain private.

Would you like to be connected to a Stephen Minister or learn more about Stephen Ministry? Contact Pastor Scott Anderson, John Foreman, or Kim Hoke.

Do you have a caring heart and a willingness to help hurting people? Would you like to become a Stephen Minister? St. Paul's provides training opportunities for those interested in becoming a Stephen Minister. If interested, contact John Foreman or Kim Hoke. To hear a bit more about Stephen Ministries, use this link:  


We are continuing to stock the St. Paul’s Shelf at Parktown Food Hub!  The Women’s Connection Group is leading this initiative to support the Parktown Food Hub, a ministry of South Durham Connections, led by Pastor Sharon Schulze.  St. Paul’s Shelf - dry boxed pasta – spaghetti, macaroni, ziti, penne, etc. (NOT: kits or dinner, nor canned pasta entrees).

Outreach Ministries

Stephen Ministry

Prayer Partner Ministry

The "Dropped Stitch" group gather once a month for fellowship while they knit and crochet. Besides making prayer shawls, they crochet or knit tiny hats for premature babies born in the Triangle's neonatal intensive care units.  They have since added "Pocket Prayer Shawls" which are small enough to be placed in a pocket to be kept close at hand.

"Unify women to build a caring community where all discover and develop their God-given gifts; Connect women by offering meaningful relationships, friendships and acceptance; Serve and reach others in our community and globally." This is the mission statement of a group of women who meet the second Monday of the Month. Please join them at any time.

Women's Connection

Quilting Ministry (Tongue & Thimble)

St. Paul's members volunteering at the Urban Ministries of Durham Community Cafe.

Their purpose is to make small comforters and warming bed covers for use in the neonatal and children's intensive care units at Duke Hospital and NC Children's Hospital in Chapel Hill plus Murdock Center for developmentally disabled adults in Butner. In addition, they make pillow-case style dresses which are sent to identified sites where such are needed. We also give a comforter to newly baptized babies and young children at St. Paul's.  To hear a bit more about Tongue & Thimble, use this link.

Community Cafe

This ministry begins anew each September. It is much like a "secret pal" activity as each participant draws a name of another participant, does not reveal who it is, and begins a year of praying for that specific person. There is only one meeting a year with this ministry -- September -- to draw a name and "reveal" who your partner was the previous year.

Copyright 2013. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, ELCA. 

All Rights Reserved.

​​​​St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Durham, North Carolina