Everyone had a great time at Oktoberfest, on October 9, 2022. We had 118 people in attendance, enjoying such great foods as bratwurst, sauerbraten, Spaetzel, Black Forest Cake, Apple Strudel and lots of German side dishes. Many thanks to all who helped. We also thank the "Rusty Pipes" from Croasdaile for beginning our celebration with rousing music. A wonderful yearly tradition at St. Paul's.

Vacation Bible School 

June 17-21, 2019 -- ROAR

The children and adults traveled throughout the week to Sing and Play ROAR, BIble Discovery, Imagination Station, Cool Crafts, Kid Vid Cinema, Recreation and Snacks and ended with Safari Celebration. A wonderful adventure.

Ordination of

Sharon Kay Schulze

October 27, 2019

The Rev. Dr. Timothy Smith, bishop of the NC Synod, presiding

The Rev. Amy Smith Bradley, preaching

Block Party - May 18, 2019

Vicar Megan Hoewisch organized a Neighborhood Block Party and everyone had a great time playing games, checking out the food trucks on site, and fellowship for all.

Rise Against Hunger

Saturday, March 3, 2019

10 am - 2 pm

Meals packaged: 10,000

Funds Goal: $3,400

Lots of people enjoyed themselves and want to do it again! People from all different ages and from other churches and groups participated. Even Wool E. Bull was present to lend a hand.

On Friday,Oct. 28, 2022, St. Paul's held a Trunk or Treat event in our parking lot. We had lots of children from the church, our preschool, and Wildflower Daycare next door, and had a great time -- cute costumes, creative decorations, and lots of treats! What a wonderful evening! Plan to join us next year!

Vacation Bible School Day took place on our campus on Saturday, July 24, 2021 from 9 am until about 2 pm. We enjoyed singing, crafts, exploration, snacks and playground time, storytime, learning about bees, and listened in on a conversation between Noah (Pastor Scott), and God. We concluded with a picnic lunch and a fun show by Happy Dan which included magic and balloons. 

Called by God and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Anna Elisabeth Carterwas ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 2:00 pm in Winston-Salem, NC. The Reverend Dr. Timothy Smith, bishop of the NC Synod, presiding; The Rev. Dr. Richard Lischer, preaching. Photos are of her ordination. Pastor Anna is now serving as Pastor at Holly Grove Lutheran Church, Lexington, NC

Copyright 2013. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, ELCA. 

All Rights Reserved.

​​​​St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Durham, North Carolina

1200 West Cornwallis Road
Durham, NC 27705-5731